Rowland All purpose saddle pads are Versatile and commonly used for general riding and schooling. They fit most all-purpose saddles and provide basic cushioning and protection.
Rowland Dressage Saddle Pads designed to fit the longer, straighter flaps of dressage saddles. They are typically rectangular in shape and provide a smooth, elegant appearance in the show ring.
Rowland Half Saddle Pads provide additional cushioning and support without covering the horse's entire back. They can be used on top of a regular saddle pad for extra shock absorption and pressure distribution.
Rowland Jumping/Close Contact Saddle Pads Shaped to fit close contact or jumping saddles, with a cut that follows the contour of the saddle to allow for closer leg contact and better movement.
Rowland Therapeutic Saddle Pads made with special materials like memory foam, or other shock-absorbing substances to provide extra comfort and support for horses with back issues.