SS cricket into a barrel racing bit can enhance your horse's performance by promoting relaxation and responsiveness, but it should always be used as part of a thoughtful and considerate approach to training and riding.
Rowland 9mm SS Barrel Racing Bit With Curved shanks, Low Port Mouth having Copper Roller is a type of bit used primarily in barrel racing to give the rider more control and leverage over the horse.
Rowland SS Billy Allen Western Curb Single Jointed Bit is a type of Western curb bit known for its unique mouthpiece design, which includes a rotating barrel or roller in the center.
Rowland SS Loose Ring Snaffle Bit with SS Waterford Mouth work on direct pressure, meaning the reins' pressure is directly transferred to the horse’s mouth.
Stainless Steel and Copper Twisted Wire Double Jointed Mouth Piece with 1/2" Wide Copper Cricket Roller having Star for barrel Racing Bit is a specialized piece of tack used in barrel racing.
Stainless Steel Mouth Piece for Barrel Racing Shanks with Smooth Port and 6 Brass Beads is a specialized piece of tack designed to provide precise control and communication between rider and horse during high-speed barrel racing events.
The specific design can vary widely, but typically, barrel racing bits may include shanks (part of a leverage bit), or they can be direct control bits like snaffles.
Rowland SS Walking Horse Bit with SS Waterford Mouth has long shanks and a high port mouthpiece, designed to promote a high head carriage and collection.